Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Use This Advice To Get A Well Trained Pet

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Use This Advice To Get A Well Trained Pet

Training your dog can have many benefits. It can help your dog become a better behaved dog and can help you become a better owner. This article can help you understand the benefits of dog training and what you can do to have positive dog training sessions. This will be time well spent that you will both enjoy.

Most cases of dog bite are a result of fear biting. This happens when a dog feels frightened, threatened and trapped. Never use force to train your dog. This could result in your being bitten. Instead, gain your dog's trust. He will be eager to please you and view you as the leader.

Don't allow your dog to drag you around. You are leading him, not vice-versa. Use a good training collar and a short leash to begin obedience training, and make sure to keep your dog at heel when walking and to pass through doors and gates ahead of your dog. Remember, you are the leader!

If your dogs are big and tough and young and go through beds as if they grow on trees, look for low cost alternatives. Use your imagination to come up with sofa cushions, comforters from the thrift store or garage sales, cast off pillows and other things that you don't mind having destroyed. Your dog will probably outgrow his bed destroying phase, and it's not worth it to get upset about it and spend a fortune on dog beds!

Be sure your dog knows how to behave in public and how to behave around other dogs by taking him or her to obedience classes at six months and to your local dog park on a regular basis. Another very good way to socialize your dog and build a strong bond with him or her is to get involved in agility classes or other advanced forms of dog training.

When training your dog, never resort to violence. This will just scare your dog and teach him that you are not to be trusted. Instead, remain calm and redirect your dog to the behavior you want. Remember that your dog wants to please you, but he is not a human being. He may not understand what is expected of him.

If you want to have a responsive dog that is easy to train, be sure to talk to your dog. Always use the same words to mean the same things and speak in the same tone of voice when you want certain results. Your dog will not be able to understand every word you say, but he will develop a reliable vocabulary if you take the time to teach him. This will make obedience training much easier.

Get your dog to stop chewing undesirable objects by offering him interesting alternatives. There is an endless variety of chew toys available at any pet store or department store. Get a basket and put "his" toys inside and keep it full of fun playthings. Hopefully, he will learn to prefer his own toys to yours!

Don't give treats for no reason, and never feed your dog at the table. Feed your dog his dog food in the same place at the same time every day. Give treats as rewards for good work done during training time. Otherwise, praise and petting are ample indications that you are friends with your dog. Too many treats at the wrong times will produce a spoiled, overweight dog.

To prevent your dog from digging in the trash, be sure he is well-fed and has plenty of toys of his own to play with. Empty your trash regularly, and don't put irresistible things like bones in it. Be sure to crate your dog when you go out and/or leave your trash can empty when you are gone.

Your dog wants someone to be in charge. If it isn't you, your dog may try to take the job. Dogs want leaders who provide stability and security. Be a good leader by being consistent, competent, firm, gentle, kind, and a good provider. Your dog will be happy to follow you!

Dogs can have an annoying habit of jumping up on you or company out of sheer excitement. An effective way to help your dog to learn that this is not a proper greeting is to gently place your hand on his chest, shove him away and firmly say "Off!" Then you can offer him a greeting by calling him back at your invitation for a friendly pat on the head!

As already stated, dog training has many benefits. If you take the advice of the article and apply what you have learned, you will find that dog training can be fun. You will both enjoy the time spent together learning as well as the many benefits of working together as a team.

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