Dog training can be a learning experience for your dog but you can also learn important things as well. This article can help you make the most of training your dog. You will find that your time spent training your dog will have benefits for both of you for years to come.
If you are going to dress your dog up for Halloween, don't be too elaborate. After all, your dog won't have any idea why you are doing such a silly thing, and he may be quite distressed or embarrassed by it. Just do something simple like a bandanna or something that will fit easily on his collar. In this way you will not run the risk of having your dog bolt or hide or engage in some other unexpected, potentially dangerous behavior.
If you want to be successful at dog obedience training, you must be willing to commit to a specific amount of time on a consistent basis. Dogs learn from repetition and consistency. Additionally, the very act of spending a certain amount of time with your dog every day will convince him that you are a consistent and reliable person. These are two qualities that will work to make you the leader of the pack!
If your dog gets anxious every time he sees you getting ready to leave the house, break up your routine a little bit. By changing your leaving routine a bit each day, you will be breaking the anxiety cycle that can trigger your dog to engage in destructive behaviors while you are gone. Leaving for varying amounts of time will also help break up the cycle. Leave for a few minutes one time and a little longer at other times. Eventually, your dog will get used to the idea that you may leave occasionally, and nothing bad will happen to him!
Be sure your dog knows how to behave in public and how to behave around other dogs by taking him or her to obedience classes at six months and to your local dog park on a regular basis. Another very good way to socialize your dog and build a strong bond with him or her is to get involved in agility classes or other advanced forms of dog training.
Don't comfort your dog for being anxious. This will just encourage him to be anxious. Instead, simply escort him to his crate, usher him in, and let him overcome his anxiety. You may want to leave a radio on in the room with him and possibly cover the crate to help reduce his anxiety. Once he is calm, bring him out and pay attention to him for his calm behavior.
To prevent your dog from digging in the trash, be sure he is well-fed and has plenty of toys of his own to play with. Empty your trash regularly, and don't put irresistible things like bones in it. Be sure to crate your dog when you go out and/or leave your trash can empty when you are gone.
Establish where your dog's resting and eating areas are, and don't let him take control of your home. Prevent him from getting in the habit of sleeping in high traffic areas and confiscating sofas and comfy chairs by redirecting him to his own resting area whenever you find him in the way. Don't make a big production number of this. Just move him along.
When you train your dog, you don"™t have to train him to do exactly what your training book or video says he should do; however, you must train him to behave in a way that will fit in well with your family. You must train him in such a way that you can take him for a walk or to the vet without a lot of drama. By determining exactly what sort of behavior you need from your dog and then working consistently to attain that behavior, you will support your dog in having a happier and more successful life.
To prevent your dog from digging in your flower beds, set up an area where he can dig. Be sure to have all of his favorite things there - toys, food and water dishes and dog house. Provide soft, tempting soil. When your dog heads for your garden, just redirect him to his. Praise him for being in his area, and tell him NO, when he ventures into yours.
Dogs who are afraid of thunderstorms or have some other specific phobia can be calmed with kava-kava. This is a natural, herbal supplement that has a calming effect and acts as a muscle relaxer. Consult your vet about the amount of kava-kava that is safe for your dog. Generally speaking, a large dog can take a single 325 mg capsule.
As was stated previously, dog training can be a learning experience for you and your dog. By taking the advice in this article to heart, you can ensure a bond between your dog and yourself. This time will be well spent and will create a friendship that will benefit both of you.
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